Tuesday 11 October 2016


Assalamualaikum and hello there,
Lately, ive been thinking a lot of being 23.
What is actually being 23 means. When i was 22 and about to reach that age, im going to have the key of young adult, they say. I will finally have the key of my life, they say. Mistakes done will not be judged solely because the number of 22. However, reaching 23, 22 was just a number. Its all depends on my thinking, my views, my judgement, my maturity. I cant barely say that ive done well when i was 22 and reaching 23. I still get pissed off over ibu if i lose to a certain argument.

So, now. Reaching 23, im about to phase the new phase of life. The working phase. Uuuuuuu. I really take this into high consideration whereby i have so many things to think when it comes to this matter. Its not about yeaaaaay, ive got a job, ive finally having my own money, i can buy as many things as possible that i want. no, its not just that. there are waaaaaaaaay too many things to think of instead of to buy.

Being 22 - 23 as a student is a whole lot different from being a working 23.
Im judging and assuming based on my circumstances. Some people may have worked earlier than i am and some may way much later than i am. The major different is mistakes. Being a student, youre always allowed to make mistakes without being brutally judge. The age and the status itself do the justice for you. However, working, you may do as many mistakes that you want, yet it comes with difficulties. 'cant you think before you made this decision', 'why did this happen', 'do you realise that this going to put you in trouble' etc etc. These kind of social difficulties that i am afraid of.

And yes, i put too much thought into this mistakes philosophy kinda things.
Because am too afraid. Watching, observing, judging, assuming, asking, looking at normal people lives made me turn into this. Nvm, am not afraid of making decisions that may turn out to be mistakes because i know that i will face the difficulties that comes together, i believe that i will face it as long that i can bear. Insyallah.

I have way too much to blurt into words here yet am the queen of procrastinate. Bye, wiser nisa.